This site is from a past semester! The current version will be here when the new semester starts.

tP week 8: mid-v1.0tP week 10: mid-v2.0

tP week 9: v1.0

  1. Make the code more defensive
  2. Deliver v1.0 midnight before the tutorial
  3. Do an informal demo of v1.0 during the tutorial

PR review comments matter! Remember to do proper PR reviews throughout the tP, at least for non-trivial changes, as the quality and quantity of PR review comments you have given to peers affect your tP marks (under the project management aspect).

1 Make the code more defensive

  • Improve the defensiveness of the code: We recommend you add assertions, exceptions, and logging to your code.
    Remember to enable assertions in your,

2 Deliver v1.0 midnight before the tutorial

  • When the v1.0 is ready, do a release on GitHub. Remember to upload the jar file as well.
  • Wrap up the milestone on GitHub.

3 Do an informal demo of v1.0 during the tutorial

  • [One member] Run your app using the latest released version v1.0 . Take screenshots of each available feature in action. Add those screenshots to the shared workspace.
  • You can also add the screenshots to your collaborative project notes document with an appropriate heading e.g., v1.0 features demo, and reuse them as necessary in the documentation.

tP week 8: mid-v1.0tP week 10: mid-v2.0