This site is from a past semester! The current version will be here when the new semester starts.

Week 2 [Fri, Aug 12th] - Summary


  • [W2.2] SDLC Process Models: Basics

  • [W2.3] Java: Intro

  • [W2.4] Java: HelloWorld

  • [W2.5] Java: Data Types

  • [W2.6] Java: Control Flow

  • [W2.7] RCS: Init, Commit

  • [W2.8] RCS: Fork, Clone

  • [W2.9] IDEs: Basic Features

  • [W2.10] Code Quality: Coding Standards

Full ToC


  1. Submit coding exercises via Coursemology Thu, Aug 18th 2359
  2. Get connected to our communication channels


  1. Learn about the project
  2. Set up prerequisites
  3. Set up the project in your computer
  4. Add Increment: Level-0