This site is from a past semester! The current version will be here when the new semester starts.

Week 8 [Fri, Sep 30th] - Summary

Read the weekly topics and try to do the post-lecture quiz before your tutorial as the knowledge from the quiz will be needed to complete the tutorial activities.


  • [W8.1] Developer Testing

  • [W8.2] Writing Developer Documents

  • [W8.3] Design: Models

  • [W8.4] Class/Object Diagrams: Basics

  • [W8.5] Project Mgt: Scheduling and Tracking

Full ToC


  1. Submit post-lecture quiz before the lecture


  1. Evaluate two peer iPs before next week lecture


  1. Ensure you know tP expectations
  2. Start implementing v1.0
  3. Use GitHub to manage milestones
  4. Add some JUnit Tests