This site is from a past semester! The current version will be here when the new semester starts.
Week 3 [Fri, Aug 19th] - Tutorial
0[CS2113 students only] Form teams
Form teams, under the guidance of the tutor. See the panel below for team forming constrains and other related info.
1Introduce yourselves
Introduce yourself to the tutor and the members of your team and the partner team (i.e., the other team under your tutor)
2Find coding standard violations extra
Do the following exercise, if you have time.
Find basic coding standard violations
3Decide a weekly project meeting time
If you haven't done so already, do the following tP task.
4Help team members troubleshoot iP problems
Now that you are in a team, it's time to build up the team spirit. For starters, you can start helping each other with module tasks. e.g., if anyone is facing problems in the iP, you can work together to solve them.