This site is from a past semester!

tP comments dashboard

Sorted based on the number of comments given to others' PRs, but also showing comments on own PRs and other comments given. Updated weekly.

[This page was last updated on 2022-12-04 @14:44]

1. WILS..G AN @wilsonngja (143 comments)

2. NG D..E QI @ngdeqi (81 comments)

3. LIM .. JIE @xzynos (50 comments)

4. CHUA..RREN @chydarren (45 comments)

5. ANG ..RCUS @OVReader (34 comments)

6. CHIA..HONG @wcwy (33 comments)

7. IVAN..RONG @ivanthengwr (22 comments)

8. FELI..LAUW @FeliciaBeatrice (18 comments)

9. LEON..OWEN @owenl131 (16 comments)

10. KOH .. HIN @kohnh (14 comments)

11. BUI ..HANH @bdthanh (14 comments)

12. NAY ..AING @NayChi-7 (13 comments)

13. BIAN.. RUI @Brominne (12 comments)

14. YONG.. HAN @chinhan99 (10 comments)

15. GAO .. FAN @gaoyunfan (9 comments)

16. SIM .. HUI @qianz-z (7 comments)

17. JAVI..QUAN @jeyvia (7 comments)

18. LION..DEEN @deenliong (5 comments)

19. AMIT..HMAN @amitrahman1026 (5 comments)

20. LOK .. JUN @LokQiJun (5 comments)

21. KART..HRAM @shengiv (4 comments)

22. KWUA.. REN @JordanKwua (4 comments)

23. SEE ..ELLE @jorellesee (4 comments)

24. KOH ..HENG @cheehengk (4 comments)

25. PHUA..O YI @matthewphua (4 comments)

26. ONG ..YONG @redders7 (3 comments)

27. RACH..YUAN @Franky4566 (3 comments)

28. KWOK..ASEY @kaseykwok (3 comments)

29. BRIA..LONG @brian-vb (1 comments)

30. PARA..JEEV @indraneelrp (1 comments)

31. CHIE.. WEI @jingwei55 (1 comments)

32. DHAN..DALI @dhanish265 (0 comments)

33. MUHA..UDIN @insafhere (0 comments)

34. WILL..YUDI @snuckerzlol (0 comments)

35. AARO.. ZHI @AaaaaronC (0 comments)

36. NG S.. IAN @nshian (0 comments)

37. JOSH..FENG @joshuan98 (0 comments)

38. ONG ..HONG @ongzhihong (0 comments)

39. JOHN.. JUN @jjtoh (0 comments)

40. CHIE..IANG @chiewyx (0 comments)

41. CHAN..HONG @eehongchan (0 comments)

42. WINS..HONG @winston-lim (0 comments)

43. MALC..HUAN @malcolmang (0 comments)

44. WANG..GJIA @wangtingjia (0 comments)

45. LEON..FRED @alfred-leong (0 comments)

46. CHEA..O YI @CheahHaoYi (0 comments)

47. MARV..JAYA @pipipipi2002 (0 comments)

48. NAZR..URAD @naz019 (0 comments)

49. HANG..TIAN @HT-T (0 comments)

50. ZHOU..IWEN @maanyos (0 comments)

51. ISHI..NDAL @ishitamandal06 (0 comments)

52. SYED..ORAN @zoranabc201 (0 comments)

53. BRAN..ARIF @Brandon-OS (0 comments)

54. HE J..NWEN @sylviahe171 (0 comments)

55. CHEN..YUGE @ChengYoghurt (0 comments)

56. CAO ..IKAI @nvknow (0 comments)

57. VORA..MISH @RiaVora (0 comments)

58. NG Y.. JIE @yongjicode (0 comments)

59. ELAN..EYAN @karthikstar (0 comments)

60. THAN.. HUY @Than-Duc-Huy (0 comments)

61. TEIM..RKUS @Markusteim (0 comments)

62. PAUL..I EN @paullowse (0 comments)

63. BEN .. MOR @morbenami1 (0 comments)

64. SHEN..HEQI @zheqis12138 (0 comments)

65. NUR ..UTFI @penguin-s (0 comments)

66. HEIN..YANG @P0tatoChips (0 comments)

67. SHAW..NHUI @gitpancaked (0 comments)

68. LIM .. ROY @lcsroy (0 comments)